How can i choose my CPU?

Many people when they build their pc, they don't know what CPU that fits their needs!

Today I will tell you how you can choose your CPU by yourself.

First thing is to know how CPU works first. Imagine that you have a company, and you want to hire an accountant, what would you choose a faster person or hard work person. that's exactly what happens in CPU every CPU has a specific Hz which defines the processor speed means if u care about how fast the computer will run, or how fast your data will be transferred, you should get the higher Hz processor, the second thing is the cache memory. to understand this imagine 2 persons with the same speed but one of them got muscles which can lift a lot of weight than the other person, that's the cache memory its how much data can processor handle by its speed (Hz).

The last thing u wanna know is the architecture of the CPU or how new this CPU is? 
u can know the architecture of the processor by its generation, for example intel has 10 generations of CPUs now the newer generations with better manufacture technology will give a higher performance with lower power consumption, and lower emitted heat. For example imagine that that intel i7 7700 (high end processor) has the same performance as i3 10100! and the new i3 emits much lower heat and need lower power to work. 

The last thing is the number of cores its like how many person can do the work? 
the number of cores doesn't effect the frames per second produced in the game just 4 cores are enough for most of games today, but what can I do with more cores? 
more cores means better multitasking and better rendering, also the an important thing is the hyperthreading, which means the system can deal with the single core as 2 cores which give a better performance in graphic design, and surfacing, but has a small effect on gaming fps.

So in the end if you are a gamer of just surfacing user just take the higher Hz and if u are a programmer or designer look of a higher cache always, but always remember "newer manufacture technology is always better", an higher cores with hyperthreading is always better.

The most important thing is to keep up to date with all tech information.

The next topic will be about how can u pick your GPU.        

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