How to choose your phone camera?

 Many people those days before buying a phone they test their camera or just asking about the resolution of the camera. its sometimes true that the camera with higher resolution is better, but most of time it isn't!

First you should know as a normal user why the cameras with the same megapixels are different?

Dslr cameras that are used by professional photographers sometimes maybe 12 MP only! how could this is better than 108 phone camera?

imagine if you have a bigger eye you must see everything better, and that's the point the Dslr have a bigger lens, bigger sensor, receive more light to form a sharp picture. 

 so the first thing to read about is the sensor type and size.

the second thing is the megapixels of camera. 

The most special thing in phones is the pics are not a raw pictures, they are processed by phones hardware to understand this compare between 2 photos of the same megapixel cameras of flagship an budget phone, and you will see the difference, to know the processing difference in software compare the pics from 2 camera apps (google camera is the best but only work with snapdragon phones). Also compare between 2 different processors within the same budget phones as kirin 810, and snapdragon 720G, and you will see the difference. 

so you must test the phone camera under different light conditions to make sure the phone camera is ok with you or not.

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